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About Master Luthier "Mas Hino"
Master Luthier / Expert Repair
Founder of MAS HINO NYC
Educator for Future Luthiers Shaping Tomorrow's Sound
Mas Hino
Master Luthier, Founder of MAS HINO NYC
Educator for Future Luthiers Shaping Tomorrow’s SoundMas Hino is a renowned Master Luthier based in New York City, with a career spanning over 40 years. His journey in the world of lutherie began in New York when he was 16 years old in his room, after that he honed his craft under the mentorship of an experienced artisan. Over the decades, Mas has become celebrated for his meticulous attention to detail, exceptional craftsmanship, and deep understanding of the tonal qualities that make each instrument unique.
Mas first developed his reputation as a world-class guitar and bass technician while working at Rudy’s Music on 48th Street in New York. During this time, he collaborated with John Suhr to build Pensa-Suhr Guitars, marking the beginning of his illustrious career as a luthier. From 2000 to 2008, Mas moved to Tokyo, Japan, where he served as the Master & Main Builder at Atelier Z, a prestigious Japanese guitar and bass brand. In this role, he crafted many guitars and basses for Japan’s top musicians, further solidifying his reputation as a master luthier and craftsman.
In 2008, Mas returned to his hometown of New York and founded his own brand, MAS HINO NYC. His workshop quickly became known as a hub of creativity and precision, where each instrument is designed, built, set up, and repaired to the highest standards. Mas’s deep understanding of the tonal qualities of instruments, combined with his meticulous craftsmanship, has earned him a loyal following among professional musicians, collectors, and enthusiasts.
Specializing in the design, building, setup, and repair of electric guitars and basses, Mas's expertise extends to every aspect of the instrument, from fretwork to electronics. His clients include some of the most celebrated names in the music industry, who seek the perfect balance between playability and sound. Whether performing a complex refret, rewinding pickups, or crafting custom hand-wound pickups, Mas's work is distinguished by his unwavering commitment to excellence.
Beyond his technical prowess, Mas is also known for his ability to connect with musicians, understanding their specific needs and translating them into finely-tuned instruments that reflect their individual playing styles. His dedication to his craft has earned him a reputation as an essential partner for many artists, with clients often considering his work integral to their sound.
Today, Mas Hino continues to push the boundaries of lutherie, blending traditional techniques with innovative approaches. His New York workshop is a place where each instrument is treated with the utmost care, ensuring that every musician who walks through his door leaves with an instrument that not only meets but exceeds their expectations. As an educator, Mas is also committed to nurturing the next generation of luthiers, passing on his knowledge and passion for the craft to those who will shape the future of music.
Mas Hino's Clientele
Mas has worked with many renowned artists, including:Pat Metheny, Eric Clapton, Mike Stern, Nile Rodgers, Al Anderson, Sean Lennon, Christian McBride, Richard Bona, Victor Bailey, Doug Wimbish, Wilbur Bascomb, Mark Knopfler, TM Stevens, Onnie McIntyre, Ziggy Marley, Chinna Smith, Kazumi Watanabe, Julian Coryell, John McEnroe, Ruben Rodriguez, Steve Stevens, Toninho Horta, Chuck Loeb, John Abercrombie, Eric Schenkman, Mark White, Jerry Barnes, Brian Holtz, Fernando Saunders, Jeff Andrews, Jim Weider, Mamadou Ba, Mitch Stein, Will Lee, Pedro Aznar, Reuben Rogers, Shrod Barnes, Vernon Reid and more.
マス 日野
New York Luthiers Lab 創始者
● 1966年、東京生まれ。
ジャズトランペッター 日野皓正の長男として生まれ、幼少期より音楽に囲まれて育つ。10歳で家族と共に米国New Yorkに移住。
2008年春、NYに戻り、自らのギター/ベースブランドMAS HINO NYCを設立。カスタムオーダー製作及びリペア行う。
その他、2015年から2023年8月まで、歴史ある弦ブランド「La Bella Strings」とのコラボレーションにて、ベース「Olinto」の立ち上げ、プロデュース/スーパーバイザーを担う。
2023年夏、完全予約制の、MAS HINO NYC Private Boutiqueにて、活動を開始。
● 手掛けたミュージシャンの名前は著名人を含め数知れず。
パット・メセニー、エリック・クラプトン、マイク・スターン、ナイル・ロジャース、アル・アンダーソン、ショーン・レノン、クリスチャン・マクブライド、リチャード・ボナ、ヴィクター・ベイリー、ドウグ・ウィンビッシュ、ウィルバー・バスコーム、マーク・ノップラー、TM スティーブンス、オニー・マッキンタイヤー、ズィギー・マーレィ、チナ・スミス、渡辺かずみ、ジュリアン・コリエル、ジョン・マッケンロー、ルーベン・ロドリゲス、スティーブ・スティーブンズ、トーニノ・ホルタ、チャック・ロブ、ジョン・アバクロンビー、エリック・シュンクマン、マーク・ホワイト、ジェリー・バーンズ、ブライアン・ホルツ、フェルナンド・サウンダース、ジェフ・アンドリュー、ジム・ウェイダー、ママドゥ・バー、ミッチ・シュタイン、ウィル・リー、ペドロ・アズナー、ルーベン・ロジャーズ、シュラッド・バーンズ、ヴェモン・レイド、etc。
● 日本語でもご対応を致します!
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